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Monday, August 23, 2010

Greenhouse gases are not the ONLY cause of air pollution.

So I think I may have mentioned that I have this abhorrence of one type of scent that gets put in colognes like CK One and Eternity.  Anytime I smell it I get very sick and want to flush my nose out with bleach just to remove the smell.  I never get used to it and am pretty much upset until they go away and the stench dissipates. 

So this am I was clicking away happily at my desk when I started picking up a faint whiff of it.  Senses go on high alert and I start sniffing trying to zero in on the source.  I hear a sound in the empty cube next to me and then a blast of the stench hits me full force.  SOMEONE is in that cubicle and they have BATHED in Eternity...  So now I'm covering my face and have turned my fan on HIGH and point it at the cubicle wall in the hopes of redirecting air flow. 

Works about 70%.   After about an hour of this King Stinky gets up and leaves - taking his laptop with him. He's left his bag behind so I know he's coming back.  Well crap - if I have to spend the day smelling this crap - I'm going to get a headache and get cranky and well no one needs that.  Not if I can prevent it. 

So here's the dilemma - its not like I should walk up to the guy and tell him that he smells and he needs to move somewhere else - preferably the other side of the floor.  I can do that - I'm fine with doing that but I shouldn't.  Its sorta rude and well its not his fault I'm completely opposed to his cologne.  Its a cheap cologne that's very easy to over due - usually just putting it on at all is overdosing it.  ;-)  So I have very few options. 

However I DO have a plant thingie on my desk that needs water and it just happens to be on the wall separating our two spaces...  


Yeah so apparently I'm REALLY sloppy when I water plants because I managed to miss the plant entirely with the first glass and DUMPED it on the desk in the next cubicle.  CRAP - what a mess - and well now no one can sit there until the water is either cleaned up or dries....  BUMMER!!!  I'm such a bubble-head sometimes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Line Etiquette

So as D discovered during our recent trip to the Water Park  when I get in a line with other people - I get a little aggressive if they are not moving forward when able and generally standing there like zombies slowing the rest of us down. 

Well I ran to Walmart at lunch to get some items I forgot last night (didn't make a list and that always bites me in the butt) and I got into the shortest checkout lane and ran into HER again.  This is the second or third time I've run into her at the checkout at Walmart.  I have no idea who she is but I do know she has NO IDEA how checkout is supposed to work.  Her sins:
1.  She gets a cart for only one or two SMALL items;
2.  she gets into checkout line and won't put them up on the belt;
3.  She stands at the end of the belt and WAITS until the person ahead of her is COMPLETELY done and rung up and walking away.  THEN she puts her measly amount of items on the belt even if there is a separator available.  AND she's kept the rest of us from being able to put OUR things on the belt as well;
4.  she won't vacate the checkout area until she's wished everyone and their mother a good day - gathered up her items - fluffed her hair - put away her wallet - rewritten the Constitution AND cured cancer;
5.  AND she gives me a dirty look when I nudge her with my cart and reach over her to grab a separator and start loading the belt with my things. 

So basically I decided today that if I run into her again and she's doing this again - I'm going to take the time to as politely as I can explain to her the basics of checkout etiquette and how it works so that she can avoid a horrible fate.  Namely pushing me past my ability to maintain calm and patience.