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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ooo my quads...

Back in early June I got really sick - I mean 5 days on the couch "oh please don't make me move" sick. And then it settled in my chest as Bronchitis. And I was literally gone almost every weekend either for work or for friends. While trying to keep up with Crew and everything else. I was pale and weak and tired all of the time. I finally realized that I was going to kill myself if I didn't stop.

So I did - no working out of any kind for 3 weeks and started going to bed at a reasonable time. I couldn't do much about the travel for work and the eating at crappy restaurants and what not - but I could take the best care 'o me in between the trips.

So here it is mid July and I'm jumping back into the working out saddle again. I've been watching the scale slowly creep up every week since I moved to Ohio and I've been maintaining my sanity about that by working out. So forcibly choosing to NOT workout is provoking panic at my core. Last week I was able to organize a buddy row on Friday morning and it was glorious! I was completely drained by the end of it but it felt SOOOO good to be back out on the water. I just focused on feeling the speed of the boat and the wind I was making tickling the back of my neck. Of course I managed to flip the boat at the dock thanks to being a complete dumbass. I did however REALLY learn the lesson to never ever pull your oar in unless the boat is docked and you are getting out... Sigh.

And then last night I went to spin class at the gym I've been paying for every month since February but hardly used... I wonder if I can claim my $59 was a charity donation. (I'm teasing IRS - don't audit me pls...) And in class as I was panting and struggling to work as hard as everyone else in the room I realized that I'm 34 and I don't have to jump in with both feet and a rock tied to me - I can actually ease back into exercise and do it the right way for my body. And suddenly I felt about a zillion years younger and happy. Do not ask me why its taken me this long to realize this - the answer will always be "I'm an idiot".

And with that I backed off a bit - slowed my pace and turned down the resistance a bit. And spin class became fun and I had a great workout. Today my quads are a wee bit stiff but already loosening with movement. AND the best part is that I can go to my Body Combat class tonight as planned and NOT put myself into the hospital... WHEEEEEeeee can you believe it??

Somedays I make myself feel like Issac Newton who just got thumped on the head with an apple...


  1. Dude, I'm so proud of you for getting back on that workout wagon! Yay for staying healthy! Boo that it takes working out to do it! Enjoy that quad pain--in this case, it means you did something right.

  2. I know right?? And I remember fondly a time when I could just beat myself to death and not feel it the next day. My dad warned me to enjoy it then because it wouldn't always be like that. I scoffed at him then but dangnabbit he was right!
