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Friday, July 16, 2010

They MEAN those warning labels on medicines!

So now that I'm getting back on the workout wagon - I've been modifying my diet to be more 6 small meals throughout the day and including more fresh fruit and veggies. Not hard to do but it does mean I wake up in the AM absolutely starving... And because I'm a lazy git - I usually get up with just enough time to shower/dress/run out the door to do my 5 MINS (7 mins if I catch the lights wrong) commute to work...

Part of my morning routine is to take my meds while getting ready and then have my breakfast at my desk. Prior to now my tummy has always had something in it from the previous nights' dinner. Well the past week that has not been the case and yesterday my stomach revolted! HARD.

I started getting really nauseous on the drive in and tried to eat some oatmeal when I was at my desk. And you know the point where you NEED to get something on your stomach but your stomach is just too upset to allow any food? Yeah that was the point I was at... So I tried to push past it until my stomach quieted down. Well that didn't work either - I was in a meeting with my manager and actually did that whole "I'm gonna vomit" sweat thing - where you get that fine sheen of cold sweat all over. And then I handed him my notepad and pen and ran from the room to go stand in the bathroom until I threw up.

Of course after that I felt great. For about an hour. Then it was back. Still not able to get anything into my belly to help. So to make a long story short - I left work to go home and take a bunch of pepto bismal and lay down. This was at 11am. By 2pm I still could not manage a simple slice of bread and any movement made my stomach burn.

Yesterday consisted of popsicles and pepto bismal and nothing else. But today I'm much better and the stomach is gurgling happily on the subway egg white breakfast sandwich I bought it. My meds are in my pocket and I'll take them after lunch. So seriously - when they say take with food. DO IT!

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